We're not talking about 3DS games either, Nintendo is FINALLY getting into the cell phone/tablet market with a new deal inked with DeNA. Nintendo says that these won't be mere...
3960 Views 2 Comments
In SoulCalibur V at least! The character creation mode in SC V has really started yielding some cool mods already; here's hopes that someone can figure out how to create...
I know, it's sad and I'm a sucker for the ever turning machine but it's true; I WANT THIS! I am adamant that the 3DS is a pile of shit that doesn't...
3310 Views 9 Comments
Black Friday, for anybody in retail, a nightmare. For customers, the closest most people will come to being in a riot. And now, for Gamers, the greatest Day of them...
10693 Views 4 Comments
DarkSiders Difficulty played: Normal Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, PC Time : about 13 hours Back to the good ole Bargain bin I go. ...
4895 Views 6 Comments