Ok ok not that it will make the video game world per say, but more like it will take you through the gamut of sprite resolutions from the single block...
10770 Views 2 Comments
I was going to post this yesterday but time just got away from me. We showed a little bit of what's in store for the WiiU yesterday but now you...
The highly received Wii game, Xenoblades, appears to be getting a sequel, maybe. Right now the video only shows a big red X at the end but it looks identical to the...

As 2012 comes to a close, the staff here at I Beat It First would like to wish you happy holidays as we announce our favorite games and favorite...
5131 Views 9 Comments
Last night/Today Nintendo finally came out of the closet with their new console the Wii U. The Wii U is set to release November 18th with 2 price points $299...
2725 Views 2 Comments
FLCL, Fooly Cooly or Furi Kuri, the weird over the top crazy and short anime, has been rumored to have a tie in game in development by Namco...
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