Gamescon is upon us, which means we got steamy new videos of Battlefield 4 to make you change your pants, as well as some details on Battlefield Premium, in case...
3987 Views 2 Comments
That's right folks, the update is pretty lackluster this week. It's a little odd because I figured Sony would take pity on the hapless super nerds who don't have...
No, I'm not having a stroke. Say hello to this weeks PSN update. Sure, there's the early release of some pretty rad DLC, but I like to think that Sony,...
The PSN update is a little bit better this week some good deals on recent games and some new items thrown in to the mix. And seriously, who can argue...
This is probably a little overdue but when it comes to playing FPS’s we tend to be a little on the side of purists here at IBeatItFirst.com so none of...
3539 Views 8 Comments
Have a Move already or been thinking about getting one? Now might be your chance as Sony has temporarily reduced the price on tons of Move bundles and accessories. The...
Not much has surfaced about this game since it first showed up at E3... 2010, but now the developers have finally gotten everything down pat. From what they say, they...
2600 Views 3 Comments
Ok, so I've been on the anti-PS+ side of the fence for quite a while, but a series of events has lined up to convert me to actually finding the...
5132 Views 15 Comments
Sony has just announced a partnership with AMC Theaters to put Uncharted 3 in to the hands and eyes of gamers early, in 3d... AND ON A FREAKING THEATER SCREEN!...
2514 Views 3 Comments