First let me assure you and say that I am in no way being compensated by Sony or any other company for writing this review. That being said, the Gold...
13597 Views 13 Comments

The recently announced PlayStation Now (Follow link to register for the beta) will stream PS3 games directly to the PS4, this is nothing new and was promised from the start...
5525 Views 4 Comments

In case you haven't seen all the reports, the Xbox One runs at a lower frame rate than the PC or PS4, even as low as 20 frames per second. ...
5020 Views 4 Comments

A bit of older news but I wanted to shed my own two cents on it. Remember how much I love Borderlands? Remember how much I love Borderlands 2? Well...
6707 Views 2 Comments

That's right folks, what was reported by Kotaku weeks ago has finally been given the Official Micros Stamp, your XBOX One will need to connect to the Live Cloud once...
5335 Views 8 Comments