We're live at the PC Gamer Press Conference at E3. We're hoping to see some great things from AMD and the like. Tripwire Interactive - Killing Floor 2 John came...
I heard "Here we fucking go" 20 times before the whole thing even started. Sony wanted to set the tone right away, I guess. They also said reality about 20...
Ubisoft started their E3 press conference off very strong, but it also proved to be their downfall. See, Ubisoft lead off with Matt Stone and Trey Parker announcing South...
EA ran a pretty lackluster presser today, so let's start with the best (also the last): Star Wars Battlefront This is the one that everyone has wanted to see since...
Hey everyone, we're here in LA for E3 and sitting up close and personal for the Microsoft Presser. Stay tuned here for all of the action and keep refreshing to...
Bethesda Softworks opened E3 with a Storm this year showcasing not just Fallout 4 but Doom, Dishonored 2 and more! In case you don't have time to watch the full...
Remember that Ratchet and Clank movie that Sony promised for Holiday 2015? Well the bad news is that it's been pushed back to April 2016, but the good news is...
War Never Changes....as it turns out, thus making my prediction from yesterday wrong. But I am actually happy to be wrong since it means the official trailer for FALLOUT 4...
#PleaseStandBy http://t.co/ChhE4rZ9GM pic.twitter.com/3NefHBcYU7 — BethesdaGameStudios (@BethesdaStudios) June 2, 2015 Bethesda today tweeted out a picture telling us to please stand by, linking to a website with a countdown ending...
The 4th episode in Telltale's Game of Thrones series finally came out, and dare I say it's the best one yet. As I've stated in reviews of previous episodes, this...