We're not talking about 3DS games either, Nintendo is FINALLY getting into the cell phone/tablet market with a new deal inked with DeNA. Nintendo says that these won't be mere...
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No seriously, that's basically what they said today during key points of their Nintendo Direct video today. First there is this amazing bit of catfishing that they put at the...
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News came out yesterday that doesn't seem to bode well for folks over at Microsoft and Nintendo; Sony has topped 10 million in console sales as of 8/12/14. This is...
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Shit, I might need to buy a Wii U. Kotaku has a great article about the origins of creating a Dynasty Warriors game in Hyrule, and it's a pretty good...
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Big news from nVidia at CES tonight. First is the Tegra 4 chip, which boats 72 GPU cores, 6 times that of the Tegra 3. Not only that, but it...
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Last night/Today Nintendo finally came out of the closet with their new console the Wii U. The Wii U is set to release November 18th with 2 price points $299...
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