Congrats you fellow greedy PS4 launch people, you helped make Sony put the PSN in to maintenance mode before the west coast even had a chance to purchase their units....
If you're like me, you're more than a little concerned that the midnight network traffic on the Playstation Store will be a little lackluster. Thankfully the good people at Sony...
[embed height = 640 width = 540][/embed] One of the biggest titles to hit the Xbox One this year has to be Crytek's Ryse: Son of Rome, and following in...
Battlefield 4 Time To Beat: 5 hours Difficulty Played On: Normal Available On: PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4 (Played on PC) Battlefield 4 is finally here. You've seen...
Rayman Legends Time to Beat: 15 hours, unlimited online Difficulty: no option but later levels are HARD Available on: Wii U,PC,PS3,Xbox 360, Vita (played...
So Eric and myself were having lunch at a very lovely establishment, and as we are one to do, we got started talking about video games. We got on the...
As I keep hearing about all of these features enabled by Day 1 patches, it does make me wonder just how early in the production timeline a company starts building...