Alpha Protocol Difficulty played: Medium (wanted to go quickly) Difficulty felt: Easy, few stupid deaths (mostly controls) Platform: Xbox 360, Found for cheap $15 Time : about 16...
Difficulty played: No option Difficulty felt: God hard, but once you can use spears it becomes SOOOO easy Platform: Xbox 360 Time : about 19 -25 Hours ...
6373 Views 4 Comments
Difficulty played: Hard Difficulty felt: Steep learning curve for the difficulty but it got super easy at the end. Platform: Xbox 360 Time : about 10...
Go a head and play the video while reading ^_^ Difficulty played: No option but the game is fun and challenging Platform: Xbox 360 Time : about 9 hours Let...
3074 Views 2 Comments
Difficulty played: Professional (Hard) Difficulty felt: Had some challenge Platform: Xbox 360 Time : about 12 hours Ghostbusters the video game or as I...
Difficulty played: Normal (Wish I played on Hard) Difficulty felt: Super Easy Platform: Xbox 360 Time : about 10 hours Since this is my first ramble...
3889 Views 2 Comments