Telltale has finally released the first episode, titled Iron from Ice, in their Game of Thrones adventure game series. FUCK YES! I'm a huge fan of the series, both HBO's...
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When I first heard of Tales from the Borderlands (TFTB) my first thought was how are they going to turn a hectic FPS into a point and click adventure? I...
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Destiny was/is one of the biggest hype trains to hit the gaming block this year. With so much time and money spent on advertisements (Destiny had a $500K budget) this...
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Tales From The Borderlands is telltale game's newest adventure series, and as the title implies it will be set within the Borderlands universe. As a huge fan of the Borderlands...
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Thief was my Dark Horse for the "next gen" systems. When I heard Square-Enix was working on Thief I immediately added it to my list of "must play" titles, especially...
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