Eric is an avid gamer with a passion for equal parts mass destruction and engaging stories. Sure those don't always meet eye to eye, but deal with it. FPS, JRPG, Hack & Slash, he loves it all.
[embed][/embed] Check out our unboxing of the July 3016 Lootcrate, Futuristic. This month's crate includes items from Futurama, Rick & Morty, Mega Man, and Star Trek. Want in on the...
I'm going to be very straightforward on this, the video below may or may not be NSFW. That being said, FUCK YEAH! There has been a lot of talk about...
If you haven't watched the Fate anime series we couldn't blame you since it's not a super well known IP, but man have you been missing out. Touted as one...
Well look what we have here, the June Lootcrate has come in all it's glory. Check out the video below to see the great stuff that came in this month's...
It's been almost 1 year to the day since we first put our hands on For Honor. Last time we played in a great multiplayer battle of knights laying waste...
I took one look at Brut@l for the PS4 and could immediately tell what the creator's inspiration for the game was... and I liked it. Brut@l is a dungeon crawling...
While waiting for the convention floor to open up many people had nothing to do but sit and watch Nintendo's Treehouse Presentation on Twitch; that's when most people got their...
WE got in a little late because of the Microsoft Presser, but we're here now. Hopefully this one won't run super long like last year, it's slated for 90 minutes....