Telltale has finally released the first episode, titled Iron from Ice, in their Game of Thrones adventure game series. FUCK YES! I'm a huge fan of the series, both HBO's...
When I first heard of Tales from the Borderlands (TFTB) my first thought was how are they going to turn a hectic FPS into a point and click adventure? I...
Lords of the Fallen was first presented as THE next gen Dark Souls experience you never knew you wanted. Even though I wasnt the biggest Dark Souls fan I was...
Any solid nerd knows that the Lord of the Rings franchise is one of the best and most epic franchises to cross our lives. The Books inspired us as children,...
Destiny was/is one of the biggest hype trains to hit the gaming block this year. With so much time and money spent on advertisements (Destiny had a $500K budget) this...
It is rare that a game gets reviewed or played twice, here at IBIF, let alone Reviewed three times. But somehow Blizzard exposed our inner consumer whore selves as we...
Like a breath of fresh air Wolfenstein The New Order did two things that most current gen FPS games are afraid to do. Number 1: It got rid of multiplayer,...
Sniper Elite 3 Unlike most other 3rd person shooters Sniper Elite 3 focuses more on the stealth aspect, but what really sets Sniper Elite 3 apart isn't the shooting mechanics,...
Watchdogs was my initial go-to game for the PS4, shoot, I even had it pre-ordered as a release bundle. when the news came that Watchdogs was going to be delayed...