Sakuta Azusagawa's life takes a turn for the unexpected when he meets teenage actress Mai Sakurajima, dressed as a bunny girl, wandering through a library and not being noticed by...
For our fourth anime the I Beat It First crew has found an anime that touches on both Fantasy and Mecha, Knight’s & Magic. Knight’s & Magic is set in...
The third anime the crew is tackling for Cutscene is Another. In 1972, a very popular honor student named Misaki died partway through the school year in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3. The...
Presenting an all new Podcast venture from the I Beat It First crew, Cutscene. If you like anime then this is the podcast for you! Our first episode is premiering...
Watch: These are the ones I suggest you watch after only one episode in: Castlevania What is it? Castlevania is a super gory adaptation of classic NES game...Castlevanaia. In this...
We are now entering the first anime season after Funimation and Crunchyroll's partnership, and now we get a better idea of what that means. As Crunchyroll has started rolling out...
Anime streaming services Crunchyroll and Funimation Now have joined up to bring you more anime to you. Funimation Now will focus on bringing you dubbed anime as Funimation always has,...
Story: Shinichirō Asano is a high school student who ends up meeting a beautiful girl by the name of Sakaya Shimazu, the 37th head of the Shimazu family. The Shimazu...