Half Tech demo, half commercial, this video shows how the PS4 (and XB1) will create the world of Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag. Even if you are not overly interested...
Have you held off buying a PS Vita because you just cant justify buying another handheld console? Well good news the PS Vita TV was just announced by Sony. About...
Have you ever been playing Borderlands 2 and had to stop for some stupid reason? Kids, Wife, Bathroom Breaks, Friends, Food, Work..... What a pain right? Well coming 2014 Borderlands...
DuckTales: Remastered Time to Beat: about 5 hours but very replayable Difficulty played: Hard Available on: PC,PS3,Xbox 360,WiiU. When I first heard...
Make sure to be check out our Facebook page for exclusive behind the scenes pictures and updated information! More posts to follow (providing we don't get too drunk... VEGAS...
[caption id="attachment_6382" align="alignleft" width="540"] oye, this guy[/caption] Okay, I don't want to freak anybody out, but, apparently we all owe our Executive Editor Eric Van Kirk $5. Two years ago...