I know, it’s sad and I’m a sucker for the ever turning machine but it’s true; I WANT THIS! I am adamant that the 3DS is a pile of shit that doesn’t deserve the money that they want for it (even after the HUGE price drop) but I’m a sucker for Zelda games. We’ve had quite a few arguments about Nintendo at IBIF and the general feeling is that Nintendo only continues to survive because of the IP’s they created over 25 years ago. That’s not to say that the games are crap, because for the most part they are amazing, but they seem to be the only games worthwhile on their consoles now. Basically you’re buying a very expensive Mario/Zelda player. What do you think? Would you shell out the money for the limited edition? Are the Wii, DS, 3DS and WiiU more than just a means to play more Mario and Zelda? Let us know in the comments.
I personally still don’t care to purchase the 3DS. And you are correct it would be just a Zelda player, so I’d rather wait for it all to drop in price like crazy again, rather that then pay out the nose for what will most likely end up just one game.
It’s also a Super Mario 3D player too, lol.
Definitely agree that all their consoles are just Zelda/Mario players, wished they would try to compete with xbox/playstation in the graphics department, an HD Zelda could be badass
The Wii-I supposedly will, but it’s just a little more powerful than the PS3 and 360. They’re late to the party, even later than the others were to the motion control party.
Wii-U hahaha and yes
I just watched the trailer for the Wii-U and its not that bad
The thing that bugs me the most is the controller, Yeah its cool to have a screen in it,but..how much do you think an extra one will cost? What if its $200 just for an extra controller? I agree with Eric, They are now having to fight an uphill battle and unless the Wii-U shows up with something Awesome I will be passing on this.
Not so much that it’s bad, but power wise its supposedly JUS above the current big consoles. Nintendo is super late to the party and the Keg is about tapped. It’s a good thing they brought a six pack with them.
Not to mention they are saying right now that the system can only support 1 of those controllers at a time. It’s a great concept, but games are going to have be designed to take advantage of it and it’s HUGE. It’s bigger than the original Xbox controller. I think it’s going to pass people off after a little bit of playing.