Snipers are pretty much the most hated person on the battlefield when it comes to war. They take out friends from long distance while in hiding and are usually killed immediately as opposed to being captured. They also sit in the same position for hours on end hoping to catch their prey. How do you make that job in to a game that people will actually want to play? EXPLODING TESTICLES!!!!!! I don’t know about you but I think I’d like to give this a try and see how long it takes for the novelty to wear off.

All silly-ness aside this game does look like it would be a lot of fun, Ive been wanting to play a more realistic sniping game for a long time…that doesnt suck.
Yeah, I wanna give this a try. Comes out on 5/1. If you preorder from Game Stop you get a special “Kill Hitler” map. I don’t know why they would give you a map that you will ultimately fail on according to history but if you can rewrite history all Tarantino style rock on.
BTW, the demo is up on XBOX Market and PSN right now. I’m gonna give it a try and see how it is.
Nice good Idea.
Ok this looks pretty dope
it actually is pretty good. J and I have both played the demo this week. Hop on the Marketplace and DL it.
99.99% of the fun in this game is when it does a xray shot, everything else about the game was mostly “meh” IMHO. But every time it does that xray hit you end up saying “OOOHHHHHH DAMN” lol
Agreed, although it does look pretty good too. The x-ray and slow-mo shots are the best ones. I don’t think that You’ve tried some of the cooler options though, since you’ve been doing primarily head shots. The “remote detonation” shots are awesome and hard to do (I’ve only done it twice). There’s something satisfying about aiming just right so that you puncture and detonate a grenade on the hip of your target. I haven’t quite been able to figure out the trip mines yet though.
I placed them at doorways that I fig people would come through to find me, but the AI was pretty dumb and would just run around in my line of fire. Its only a demo so heres hoping that stuff gets fixed, but I guess if everyone just bunker’d down the “action” aspect of the game would be ruined.