11Jul 17 IBIF Podcast 4: Static on the Line Battousai311 About The Games, Anime, News, Podcast, PS4, Switch, Xbox 1 Anime Expo 2017, Astro Gaming, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Logitech, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Made in Abyss, My Centaur Life, My Hero Academia, Persona 5 I Beat It First IBIF Podcast 4: Static on the Line Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher RSS Feed Share Link Embed Join 2/3 of the IBeatItFirst crew for fun, drinking, gaming, and anime. Author : Battousai311 Eric is an avid gamer with a passion for equal parts mass destruction and engaging stories. Sure those don't always meet eye to eye, but deal with it. FPS, JRPG, Hack & Slash, he loves it all.