What’s that? Didn’t know that it even needed to make a resurgence? Dont’ feel bad, most of us didn’t. Apparently Kojima pretty much canceled the game a while back and decided not to tell anyone. With the help of Platinum Games though, the game is back on track. Word on the street is that Kojima was piggy backing it on to the MGS4 engine but everyone was having trouble deciding on the direction they were going to take. From what I heard, there are many different ways to approach the idea of “let’s cut everything in the fucking game”; who knew? The direction Platinum seems to be taking looks to be on the right track and they have apparently overhauled everything that Kojima did. Check out the video that premiered at the Spike VGA’s after the break. Don’t feel bad about not watching the award show, I’m sure you and I aren’t the only ones.
12Dec 11
Metal Gear Rising is making a resurgence…
Author : Battousai311
Eric is an avid gamer with a passion for equal parts mass destruction and engaging stories. Sure those don't always meet eye to eye, but deal with it. FPS, JRPG, Hack & Slash, he loves it all.
Not going to lie, this game does not excite me
For me it has been up and down as well. ↓ as I’ve never been a huge fan of Raiden, ↑ as they did make Raiden more interesting in MGS 4, ↓ its solely an action title, ↑ have you seen the video where he cuts off a doods elbow off and the cut everything scenario sounds too interesting to just meh away. But yes, I will agree Im not dropping my pants for this MG title as I normally would for others…..
I, for one, have never been the greatest fan of MGS so I’m not all gung-ho about this either. Figured I would post the info though because it’s on a lot of other peoples radars.
As a PS fan you should smack yourself in the face. Have you even played any of them?
Yes, I have. MGS4 was pretty good but I just have never been all OMGWTFBBQ about the series. I do applaud them for the work that they have done w/ both graphics and game play, just not necessarily my cup of tea. More like slightly warm coffee. 😀
so you have only played 4? The one where if you haven’t played any of the other games you would be lost as hell as to what they were mostly talking about…
I’ve played the others, and know the backstory of the game. You and I have had multiple conversations (albeit while drinking) where we have talked about this. Just not my all time favorite series. Kojima tends to always push the envelope though, and I totally respect their development skills.
Go get MGS1 on PSN and play it. Knowing the backstory and playing the backstory are two diff things. trust me.
did you miss the part where I said I’ve played them? Just not my all time favorite games. Good games, but not games that really get me going, you know?
Yes I missed that because anybody that has played all of them is crazy for saying that. lol