After seeing this visually stunning game in the Microsoft Press Conference yesterday, I knew that I had to find it on the floor. The version that was available wasn’t the full game, but it did give a great representation of what to expect when it’s finished. I’ll start it off with the first note from playing, this game is HARD; I wasn’t the only one saying this either, this game is legitimately hard. That’s not to say that this is a knock on the game, I look at it as a badge of honor that they were able to kill off so many of us, this game really makes me want to play it more. The demo gave a few different levels: the boat level that reminds me of Steamboat Willy, a ground level where you fight a giant homicidal carrot, and the flying level when you fly tiny prop planes that fire off giant nails. All of them fit in perfectly in the 1930’s art motif and the period style music just tops it all. Everything about this game just screamed awesome and it’s amazing the level of detail they have been able to put in with such a small team. Each character and level is completely hand drawn and no detail was overlooked. Needless to say, this has the makings to be a great game and should be one of the indie games to look out for when it finally comes to PC and XBone in 2016.
16Jun 15
Cuphead E3 First Impressions
Author : Battousai311
Eric is an avid gamer with a passion for equal parts mass destruction and engaging stories. Sure those don't always meet eye to eye, but deal with it. FPS, JRPG, Hack & Slash, he loves it all.