From the creator and team behind Hellsing comes a thrilling story where history and fantasy collide. Shimazu Toyohisa, a famous samurai who fought in the historical Battle of Sekigahara, is...
We've made it through Outbreak Company and moved on to our SIXTH anime, Drifters. From the creator and team behind Hellsing comes a thrilling story where history and fantasy collide....
Eric, Jason, and Chris are back to drink alcohol and talk video games. This week they talk Google's new cloud gaming platform, Apex Legends & Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle...
Shin’ichi Kanō is a young secluded otaku who is offered a job thanks to his vast knowledge of anime, manga, and video games. However, just after meeting his new employer,...
Shin’ichi Kanō is a young secluded otaku who is offered a job thanks to his vast knowledge of anime, manga, and video games. However, just after meeting his new employer,...
Shin'ichi Kanō is a young secluded otaku who is offered a job thanks to his vast knowledge of anime, manga, and video games. However, just after meeting his new employer,...
For our fourth anime the I Beat It First crew has found an anime that touches on both Fantasy and Mecha, Knight’s & Magic. Knight’s & Magic is set in...
For our fourth anime the I Beat It First crew has found an anime that touches on both Fantasy and Mecha, Knight’s & Magic. Knight’s & Magic is set in...
For our fourth anime (that's right, we survived the calamity of Another) the I Beat It First crew is has found an anime that touches on both Fantasy and Mecha,...
The third anime the crew is tackling for Cutscene is Another. In 1972, a very popular honor student named Misaki died partway through the school year in Yomiyama North Middle School‘s class 3-3. The...