Infamous: Second Son In Second Son, the third installment to the Infamous series, you take on a totally new role as the oddly named Delsin, the newest member to the...
Sure it shouldn't be a shock to anyone, but release dates count as news... don't they? Anywho; another year, another new Madden game. They have released a teaser trailer, seen...
Dragon Age: Inquisition has a release date. It'll be hitting store shelves October 7th in North America and October 10th in Europe. I've played both previous games, and enjoyed them...
That's right folks, Sony is trying to pull a Valve and sell you games at a sizable discount. It's primarily all PS3 games, but like you care about that anyway......
There are three items necessary in order to make a great video game, visuals, gameplay, and story/writing. As long as you have 2 of those the game is playable and...
SOE Live registration is finally open, so what are you waiting for? Sign up! Last year saw the announcement of Everquest Next and Everquest Next Landmark, with the year prior...