“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi,...
“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi,...
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer “B” emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the...
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer “B” emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the...
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer "B" emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the...
A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto “Edamame” Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto...
A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto “Edamame” Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto...
A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto “Edamame” Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...