It’s that’s time everyone! FUCK 2020! We’re saying goodbye to 2020 with probably our ONLY look back on this cursed year! Here are our top 5’s of 2020:
Honorable Mentions: Fall Guys, Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
5. Animal Crossing
4. Genshin Impact
3. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
2. Hades
1. Ghost of Tsushima
Honorable Mention: Someday You’ll Return
5. Phasmophobia
4. Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
3. Metamorphosis
2. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
1. Roki
Honorable Mention: Warhammer Chaosbane
5. The Suicide of Rachel Foster
4. Phasmophobia
3. Manifold Garden
2. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
1. Genshin Impact