It’s the end of an era as Sony announced the end of production of PlayStation 2 consoles in Japan. I know I’m known as the PC guy around here, but I do own a PS2. I’ve had many great times with the console and it’ll be sorely missed. Grand Theft Auto changed forever when the PS2 was released. Previously a top down game, it was now rendered in 3d, and grew to became the franchise it is known as today. It gave birth to the Killzone franchise, took Gran Turismo to the next level. It was a memorable part of my childhood, and I could go on and on about what the console meant to me, but I’d rather hear from you. So sound off in the comments below and let me know what made the PS2 awesome.

The Ps2 for me was my first system I purchased on my own at release. I quite possibly purchased more accessories for my PS2 than any other system (even more than the accessory centric Wii). However with my backwards compatible PS3 I have yet to really miss the PS2…Maybe its time I threw down some old RPGs for good ole times sake. RIP PS2
Definitely bought more games for it that any other system. I also had more time to play games back then though haha