With over 4.5 Million people taking part in the Destiny Beta, Bungie should be more ready than ever to releasing a quality, bug free, world. The fact that my experience with the beta was mostly bug free speaks volumes and makes me more excited to play the game this coming September. Of course the only negative aspect in my Beta experience was the lack of “soul” or story, but that was to be expected for the Beta, hopefully the full game will give me more of a motivation to save the world other than “because you are special”. In the mean time please enjoy this large Gallery of awesome screenshots from the Beta, also some videos of gameplay including the first 15 minuets of the Beta and 15 minuets later on of me fucking around.
Much like weapons or Armor, Ships can be changed and updated, hopefully the final build will allow further customization.
When traveling to a Multiplayer map off world the staging will change to show a warp load screen. Better than a black screen with a status bar.
Menus are easy to understand and use, I just wish the cursor acted less like a mouse and more like a selection option. Here you can see your current gear, compare other gear and change abilities.
A neat aspect is guns can be leveled with use, when a gun levels it can unlock more power, extra abilities or add ons… NEAT
Shops and merchants reek of MMO styling but if it works why fix it, although hearing the merchants say the same 5 phrases over and over gets old, especially since in the beta there were only 3 or 4 merchants you would constantly talk to.
This is your earth load screen, the more people you have in your party the more ships will appear, technically very basic, but also awesome looking.
That MMO feel just wouldn’t be complete without strangers dancing in front of you.
hanging out with buddies in the tower can be annoying when one player is spending a LOT of time shopping haha.
Arrival at the moon base in the Destiny Beta
Gotta love the idea, highway to the danger zone!
First view of The Traveler, humanities last hope… or something.
Granted its just a lightbox effect, but still Bungie knows how to make people go “Neat”
The world connects almost all “levels” or areas together, much like an MMO, wish there was a better map however.
Staging area before moving on to the next mission, also showing off my new ship
Waiting with friends again you can see everyone’s ship
Full fire team, full staging area
Much like weapons or Armor, Ships can be changed and updated, hopefully the final build will allow further customization.
When traveling to a Multiplayer map off world the staging will change to show a warp load screen. Better than a black screen with a status bar.
Menus are easy to understand and use, I just wish the cursor acted less like a mouse and more like a selection option. Here you can see your current gear, compare other gear and change abilities.
A neat aspect is guns can be leveled with use, when a gun levels it can unlock more power, extra abilities or add ons… NEAT
Shops and merchants reek of MMO styling but if it works why fix it, although hearing the merchants say the same 5 phrases over and over gets old, especially since in the beta there were only 3 or 4 merchants you would constantly talk to.
This is your earth load screen, the more people you have in your party the more ships will appear, technically very basic, but also awesome looking.
That MMO feel just wouldn’t be complete without strangers dancing in front of you.
hanging out with buddies in the tower can be annoying when one player is spending a LOT of time shopping haha.
Arrival at the moon base in the Destiny Beta
Gotta love the idea, highway to the danger zone!
First view of The Traveler, humanities last hope… or something.
Granted its just a lightbox effect, but still Bungie knows how to make people go “Neat”
The world connects almost all “levels” or areas together, much like an MMO, wish there was a better map however.
Staging area before moving on to the next mission, also showing off my new ship
Waiting with friends again you can see everyone’s ship