Sakuta Azusagawa’s life takes a turn for the unexpected when he meets teenage actress Mai Sakurajima, dressed as a bunny girl, wandering through a library and not being noticed by...
Join Eric and Chris, with their special guest Mr. B0tch, for 2 hours of gaming conversation. This week we discuss more shakeups at Activision and a lot of E3 prep...
Sakuta Azusagawa's life takes a turn for the unexpected when he meets teenage actress Mai Sakurajima, dressed as a bunny girl, wandering through a library and not being noticed by...
Eric, Jason, & Chris take you on the raucous ride through the good and bad in gaming. In this episode, Reddit calls time of death on Anthem, Riot Games learns...
rom the creator and team behind Hellsing comes a thrilling story where history and fantasy collide. Shimazu Toyohisa, a famous samurai who fought in the historical Battle of Sekigahara, is...
Join Eric, Chris, and a possibly lupus riddled Jason as they delve into the world of games. This week we talk about the PS5, more Persona 5 news, Cuphead's Switch...
From the creator and team behind Hellsing comes a thrilling story where history and fantasy collide. Shimazu Toyohisa, a famous samurai who fought in the historical Battle of Sekigahara, is...
It's the return of the transcontinental podcast! With Jason in Bulgaria, and Chris nursing a horrible hangover, and Eric day-drinking the day away, you know you're gonna be in for...
We've made it through Outbreak Company and moved on to our SIXTH anime, Drifters. From the creator and team behind Hellsing comes a thrilling story where history and fantasy collide....