In a small corner of Tokyo, three elementary girls protect their town. Doing good and enforcing rule against the various dangers that befall it. These three girls are the Colors,...
IBIF is back with another transcontinental podcast, thanks to Jason being in Bulgaria this time. This week we discuss Microsoft censoring chat, China, more China, the Fortnite reboot, and the...
In a small corner of Tokyo, three elementary girls protect their town. Doing good and enforcing rule against the various dangers that befall it. These three girls are the Colors,...
The crew is here and Jason is back from China! This episode we cover changes at Sony, weird hardware from Thrustmaster, Japanese Taxation, and lots of Call of Duty. Jason...
In a small corner of Tokyo, three elementary girls protect their town. Doing good and enforcing rule against the various dangers that befall it. These three girls are the Colors,...