Called “Juggernaut,” these are the unmanned combat drones developed by the Republic of San Magnolia in answer to the attacks by the autonomous unmanned drones of the neighboring Empire of...
Having almost completed their conquest of Earth, the evil Kisaragi Corporation has decided to expand their operations to other Earth-like planets across the universe by sending Combat Agent 6 and...
Having almost completed their conquest of Earth, the evil Kisaragi Corporation has decided to expand their operations to other Earth-like planets across the universe by sending Combat Agent 6 and...
Having almost completed their conquest of Earth, the evil Kisaragi Corporation has decided to expand their operations to other Earth-like planets across the universe by sending Combat Agent 6 and...
“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi,...
“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi,...
“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi,...
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer “B” emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...