Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary student until he learns he can transform into a monstrous dog with a revolver and a zipper down his back. Unsure where his powers have...
University student Shinichi Sakurai is comfortable being an introverted loner and doesn’t care what others think. Buxom underclassmen Hana Uzaki doesn’t understand this one bit. A tornado of joy, she’s...
On a planet far, far away from Earth, there reigns a kingdom overflowing with smiles. Princess Yuki is twelve years old and beginning to ride the roller coaster of emotions...
We’re watching Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.A mysterious virus appears during the industrial revolution that transforms infected humans into Kabane (“corpses”) and rapidly spreads. Kabane are aggressive, undead creatures that...
We’re watching Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.A mysterious virus appears during the industrial revolution that transforms infected humans into Kabane (“corpses”) and rapidly spreads. Kabane are aggressive, undead creatures that...
NEW YEAR, NEW ANIME! This time we're watching Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.A mysterious virus appears during the industrial revolution that transforms infected humans into Kabane ("corpses") and rapidly spreads....
In an alternate version of the present, Tokyo has been decimated by a shocking terrorist attack, and the only hint to the identity of the culprit is a bizarre video...
In an alternate version of the present, Tokyo has been decimated by a shocking terrorist attack, and the only hint to the identity of the culprit is a bizarre video...
In a small corner of Tokyo, three elementary girls protect their town. Doing good and enforcing rule against the various dangers that befall it. These three girls are the Colors,...
In a small corner of Tokyo, three elementary girls protect their town. Doing good and enforcing rule against the various dangers that befall it. These three girls are the Colors,...