After facing extinction by life forms known as Gadoll, humanity dwells in a mobile fortress named Deca-Dence. Occupied by warriors and unskilled citizens, Natsume dreams of fighting. Her chance meeting...
After facing extinction by life forms known as Gadoll, humanity dwells in a mobile fortress named Deca-Dence. Occupied by warriors and unskilled citizens, Natsume dreams of fighting. Her chance meeting...
The year is 1931. Prince Tokugawa Yoshinobu holds absolute control over Japan. Remnants of the Meiji era’s culture can be seen around the city, but scientific technology and Japanese esoteric...
As a cultivation genius who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his...
Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force, RIS, just as serial killer "B" emerges and commits a double murder. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally of the...
A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto “Edamame” Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto...
A series of unfortunate events has led Makoto “Edamame” Edamura to adopt the life of crime—pickpocketing and scamming others for a living. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...
Ichiko gets lucky a lot—like a force field of happy accidents repel her from misfortune. There’s a reason life always goes her way: she’s bubbling over with happiness energy she...