You guessed it folks, Square destroyed all of our hope for what could be a great nostalgic trip by instituting a horrible string of microtransactions in to yet another game. Kotaku did the math and found that the iOS game could end up costing you over $50 to play, that’s not even including “resurrection items” that you can purchase to extend play. I just might end up playing this game anyway, since you know it’s Final Fantasy and all, but I’m sure that SquEnix could have found a better way to charge customers. I have a hard time justifying paying $50+ for a mobile game since I can pay the same amount or less for a game with much better build quality, but that’s just my opinion. What’s yours? Are you for Microtransactions to boost the “free to play” movement or do you prefer a more traditional structure?
Companies only do this because it works. Get someone addicted to a game and they will more likely put down a few bucks rather than buy it outright just to play the game. Ask any drug dealer, your first rock of crack is free ^_^
Yes, the first taste is always free. It will be interesting to see if the rating stays up as I’ve seen a lot of 1 & 2 star reviews posted due to the microtransactions. It was at 3.5 stars earlier and still holding.