Ok, this is a little bit of a departure from our normal articles but bare with me. The above is a TED talk sent to me by my boss at my “day job”, who is a very avid TED viewer. Jane McGonigal is a Game Designer that has completed previously done a few TED talks to help remove the negative stigma of gaming. This TED talk is a little bit different as it’s about her own personal struggle with severe concussion issues and how her game SuperBetter helped her, and others, get better (from a myriad of issues). SuperBetter is only available for mobile via the App Store but you can play it via their site, SuperBetter.com, and I thought that the mission and message were worthy of IBeatItFirst (even if the only way to beat the game is to ultimately day after a long and healthy life). That being said, this is one game that I’m happy that I have not beaten yet.
Thanks to Joanie Simon for bringing this video to my attention 🙂