There are so many things wrong with this video it’s not even funny. 1 Jason owns Kinect Star Wars, 2 Jason plays Kinect Star Wars, 3 Jason plays Kinect Star Wars with a Boba Fett helmet on (presumably to hide his shame). For the uninitiated, amid the cooler portions of Kinect Star Wars (pretending to be a rampaging Rancor and piloting a pod racer) there are horrible items like this atrocious dance game set to even more horrible Star Wars themed song parodies. George Lucas, please put down the crack and stop raping this franchise. Special thanks goes to Jason, our illustrious EiC, for showing us just how horrible life can be.

I so wished I could see this video while at work and yea its a shame what George Lucas is doing to this franchise, will let developers make horrible games but not let them make new blockbuster movies (and if he did he would most likely have final cut and make them kid friendly)
Agreed, he needs to allow someone else to make a SW movie and stop destroying our fond memories of this once great franchise.
unce unce unce unce unce Ohhhhhh check me out. unce unce unce Check me out everybody Im dancin, IM DANCIN!
you only WISH you were as cool as Claptrap! Begone from my sight!
Im like 30 miles away from you, if you are seeing me we may need to talk about boundaries.
Boundaries schmoundaries, I am omni-present!
Oh Jason…… You crack me up!