Kinect Star Wars has finally come out today and along with one of the best looking Xbox’s. Kinect Star Wars is also loaded with most of my childhood dreams, fighting along side Luke and Han Solo, racing Pod Racers and killing with my mind. What my childhood dreams never had, was the wish to dance! EVERYBODY DANCE!
Although this may make your blood boil, the lyrics and moves are all Star Wars inspired and the poppy, over the top ridiculousness of it all makes me laugh and curse George all at the same time. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if this is the best part of the game. Of course I will have a full review once I am done getting my HAN SOLO on!
The real question is if you can dance as R2D2
How about Princess Leia? Yes.
Winner winner, dewback dinner! I love how they star wars themed everything. Gives it that extra bit of polish.
The levels are half the fun, the Death Star Disco Ball is amazing.