Oh yeah that’s because it’s not Smash Brother, it’s Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. I’ve put off writing about this til I saw some actual game play footage and I will say that it looks very much like Smash Brothers, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you think about it you’ll realize that there haven’t really been any knock-offs of the Nintendo brawler so it’s time has probably come. I guess the biggest oddity is that there appears to be many Playstation counterparts to their Nintendo rivals (Fat Princess = Kirby, Big Daddy = Donkey Kong, Sweet Tooth = Bowser, etc.) but I can’t quite decide which character corresponds to Link (that player that everyone wants to play as), Kratos or Drake. I’m leaning more towards Drake, but I’m still not quite sure. What are your thoughts? Does the game excite you at all? Let us know in the comments below.

Drake? Kratos? Fuck that. Parappa the Rapper is where its AT!
Anyway, the reason why you have not heard anything about SSB knock offs is because they all suck. Just off the top of my head:
TMNT: Smash-UP
CN: Punch Time Explosion
Granted these two games did not get the royal treatment PS: Allstars should get, but Im not holding my breath.
I’ll give you the CN game, but not TMNT. CN: Puch Time Explosion had great potential, especially with being able to play as so many different CN characters (Grimm, Blue, Mojo Jojo, Samurai Jack, Number 1, etc), but they just didn’t deliver. If it played as well as Smash Brothers I definitely pick it up for some fun. TMNT was just a horrible TMNT game (like many of them are).
I can’t wait to see how they deliver on special moves and what not though, Parappa better run you over with a Taxi or something.